Today we’re traveling back to December of 1990 to close out season 1. This week we revisit a Tim Burton classic, “Edward Scissorhands”. 

Before we dive in we discuss what life was like for us around this time and then Erin covers what was happening in the world, the top 10 songs, popular Christmas Toys, what happened on the mid-season finales, and the SVH book of the month.

After the break, we chat about the movie, fun facts and then we talk about what kind of therapy the characters needed (and what was Edward really?). We close out with a final round of trivia.

We’ll see you next summer!

  • 03:31 – What were we doing?
  • 12:05 – World Happenings
  • 14:32 – Top 10 Songs
  • 22:53 – Popular Christmas Toys
  • 25:24 – Mid-season Finales
  • 32:22 – SVH of the month
  • 34:05 – Movie Talk
  • 51:01 – Quizzes & Therapy
  • 1:01:50 – Trivia