Today we’re traveling back to October of 1971 – neither of us were born yet, but O’Dell was a fetus and on his way to making his grand entrance into the world.

After chatting about world events, top songs, TV shows and books of 1971, we dive into the movie of the week which is Clint Eastwood’s directorial debut – Play Misty for Me. This movie was very much the original Fatal Attraction, and dare we say Jessica Walters’ Evelyn gives Glenn Close’s Alex a run for her money in the insanity department.

We close out with a remake and a recast before jumping into this week’s trivia and the spinning of the wheel for O’Dell’s next movie.

Where to Watch
  • 02:01 – What was happening in October of 1971?
  • 08:45 – Top 10 Songs October 21, 1971
  • 11:24 – Book Released in 1971
  • 14:51 – Academy Award Winners of 1971
  • 16:34 – Big on TV in 1971
  • 19:18 – Movie Talk: Play Misty for Me
  • 54:08 – Movie Facts & a Remake/Recast
  • 1:04:22 – Trivia Time
  • 1:06:50 – Spin the Wheel